Warding Amulets

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I post on my Instagram (@XristiWitch), and occasionally TikTok (which is less a space for my witch content and more a space for my chaotic thoughts to be unleashed into short video format) semi-frequently that I have a closer relationship to my warding amulets than I do with most people. Is it a joke? Yes... but it's also probably very true.

What are warding amulets?

Warding amulets are items (often necklaces but can be other items) with protection symbols or protective charms placed on them.

What can warding amulets be made with?

Warding amulets can be anything! You will commonly see protection symbols or sigils, like pentacles, protection runes, custom sigils. Warding amulets can also be protection crystals, such as hematite, black tourmaline, obsidian, labradorite, or even intentionally-charged clear quartz. You can also charm any item into a warding amulet! A non-witchy necklace, bracelet, keychain, spell jar, rock- you name it, you can probably turn it into a warding charm.

Do warding amulets need to be charged?

Not necessarily! Many believe that if the item has a protection symbol/sigil or is made with something protective like orgonite that it's protecting you without the need for additional charming spells. I personally charge all of my warding amulets because I like to be more specific with my amulet's protection intentions and give them a little extra boost of protective power. As with everything in Magick, it will depend on your personal beliefs and preferences. If you want to charm ANY item, follow the method below!

How do I make one?

There are plenty of ways to charm an item! The method below is the method I use and talk about in my video. In the video I detail more of my personal preferences but you can apply your own preferences to the outline of the method:

  • Cleanse your item with your preferred energy cleansing method

  • Create a protective-feeling space

  • Rub the amulet in your hands to raise your energy

  • Hold the amulet and focus on the feeling of being protected - if there is music or a movie that makes you feel comfortable or gives you a protected feeling, playing it while you do this can amplify and focus that energy

  • If you'd like to, you can write and recite an affirmation or incantation over your amulet

  • Finally, hold the amulet until it feels energetically "charged up" - it may feel heavier, warmer, or you'll just get the feeling that it's "done"

How often should it be re-charged?

It will depend on the item, the time, the exposure, a bunch of different factors. I do this practice every full moon, and charge my amulets on a selenite plank in my windowsill under the full moon before wearing them. I feel it gives them a little extra boost of strength that way! You'll just have to feel out when your amulet's warding charm starts to wear off. Could be weekly, monthly, or just whenever you feel you need to on no particular schedule.

Happy warding!


Witch Words: Cleansing, Consecrating, Charming, Charging


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