Witch Words: Cleansing, Consecrating, Charming, Charging


To remove energies or unwanted properties from an item, person or place. Cleansing is usually to remove negative energies. Some cleansing methods (like using salt on your altar) absorbs all energies. Including the energies that you want to keep or use in spellwork.

There are many methods to cleansing and different methods for different items. Be mindful with your cleansing choices! Some crystals dissolve in water, some tools can become rusted or react to certain elements. Your cleansing method will depend on your personal preference and what works best for your item! Some methods include: running water (preferably naturally sourced like a creek or river), smoke, burying in dirt/earth, salt, wind.


To dedicate an item or space to a particular use or practice. Reserved for tools, items, sacred spaces and altar spaces that will only be used for magickal purposes and never for mundane purposes.

Not every witch has or uses consecrated items. That way, all tools can be used for multiple purposes. The benefit of having consecrated space or items is that a special energy comes from having dedicated tools. If you like ceremonial magick, consecrating tools may be for you!

Consecrated items do not have to be limited to "traditional" witchcraft tools like cauldrons or athames. One of my favorite consecrated tools is a sharpie pen which I only use for magickal purposes.

Consecrating can be as simple as an affirmation/verbal dedication, or you can create and perform consecration ritual.


Charm are spells that are often (not always) tied to an item like a necklace or charm bag. Sometimes it is a simple incantation, sometimes it is longer ritual. After cleansing (and optionally consecrating), your item is a blank slate. If it is an herb or crystal, it may have naturally occurring properties that are in line with the work that you are about to perform. Charming is programming an item with a spell, intention or specific property that you want it to have or to do.


To "charge up" an energy or magickal property of an item. Some people use these terms interchangeably, and that's fine! They're pretty similar! I personally view them a little differently. You can charge items that have been charmed! Charging fills up the item to enhance the magickal energies or properties. Think of it like a battery! Charging can make them operate at a higher strength or for a longer durations.

Charging crystals, which has become increasingly popular, does not necessarily need to follow a charming spell. You would only need to charm a crystal if there is a very specific intention or purpose you want to charm it for. If there isn't, you can just charge and amplify the power of the crystal's already naturally occurring properties!


Tea magick


Warding Amulets