Mental Health and Magick

Mental health is something that most of us struggle with to some extent from time to time. It could be from anxiety, worry, depression, burnout, a person or a situation that's causing you stress. Whatever the cause and whatever the case, sometimes it can get overwhelming or get the better of us. As witches and magick users, it's especially important to keep your mental health and well-being in mind! Let's talk about why it's important and what you can do about it.

The most important part of magick is you

You are your most important magickal tool! Technically, you are the only necessary tool you need for magick. Any additional tools or equipment you acquire is only supplemental to guide or aid your energy. Even if you borrow or direct energy from other resources, all of the work is still coming from you. Your energy is your source for magick. Your mental health and magick are linked because it directly affects your energy/vibrations.

Protect yourself!

Protecting your energy can make a difference. Cleanse out any negative energies first so they don't get trapped in! Regularly charging and wearing warding talismans was a real turning point for me. I found myself feeling so much less drained of energy all the time. This leads me to believe my energy was being negatively effected by either "energy vampires" or just being on the empath spectrum and carrying around others' stress on top of my own. If the situation that's causing you stress is unavoidable, it may not be a miracle cure, but it can absolutely help. You can protect with warding/protection spells, spell jars, charms, talismans, crystals, herbs - whatever method(s) appeal the most to you!

Protection Correspondences:

Herbs: Basil, bay leaf, rosemary, mugwort, marjoram, parsley, sage, yarrow

Crystals: Amber, amethyst, black tourmaline, hematite, orgonite, onyx, pyrite, snowflake obsidian

Symbols/Other: Sigils, protection runes, pentacles, evil eyes, black salt/witch's salt

Self Care = Magickal Maintenance

A lot of magickal practices align with self care practices already, such as tea, baths, affirmations and meditations. Making a daily or weekly magickal self care ritual can help you create a good rhythm that not only raises your energy, vibrations and mental well-being, but also restores a feeling of control over your life when things feel a little out of control. If you want to include self care that isn't magickal, that's okay too! Consider it "magickal maintenance" for restoring your mental health and magick energy.

Magick/Rituals can be healing

For some, practicing magick IS a form a self care. It can be a relaxing, spiritual activity connecting you with the earth, the elements, the seasons, deities (if that's your thing). It can be very healing to the mind, body and soul. Just keep your energy in mind and in check! Many magickal practices can feel draining to your energy if you don't draw it up from the earth, and keeping all that energy in if you don't use it can make you feel manic and chaotic. Grounding and earthing practices can keep your energy balanced and in check.

Give yourself a break (if you feel you need it)

It's okay if you need to take breaks. It's also okay if some of your self care routine isn't technically magickal. You aren't any less magickal for it. You aren't any less spiritual for it. It happens. Maybe I'm just talking to my younger self here, but don't make the stress of feeling guilty for not being "the most witch" 100% of the time add to your mental health struggle. Making your daily routine magickal is enough. Taking time to do self care is enough. You are still valid. You're good, fam.

Keeping in touch with the magickal world

If you do feel you have absolute energy burnout and decide that you do need to take a real break, you can still find ways to keep in touch with the magickal world to inspire to when you're ready to come back. Here are just a few ideas on how you can do that:

  • Read a witchcraft/magick/spiritual book again that inspired you in the past

  • Read a new book on witchcraft/magick/spiritual practices that interest you to try to inspire something new

  • Listen to a witchcraft/magick/spiritual practice audiobook (good for if you're busy! You can listen while you do laundry, dishes, commute, etc.)

  • Listen to a witchcraft/magick/spiritual practice podcast (same as note above!)

  • Create a Pinterest board (or add grimoire pages) of things you find inspiring or that you want to do when you come back

  • Watch witchcraft/magick/spiritual practice videos on YouTube (or Instagram/TikTok/Wherever else you may find witchy video content)

  • Watch witch movies/TV. Yes, they are fictional and often dramatically exaggerated from real life practices. Still, as weird as it may be, sometimes all it takes is watching Practical Magic again to make you excited about getting back into magick.

  • Find a witch community online (like a Facebook group, Instagram accounts or Pagans and Witches Amino app) to see what other witches are up to. You can be a silent observer to read/watch posts for ideas and inspiration, or you can get active on there for some witchy community and spiritual support.

The main point of this post that I want to get across is that struggling now and again is normal. Being a witch does not mean everything is always "love and light" 100% of the time. Things happen. Stress happens. We can normalize acknowledging that and support each other when it happens. Prioritize taking care of your physical, mental and magick well-being, whatever that means for you!

Share something in the comments that has helped you when you're emotionally/magickally/energetically burnt out and need a little boost to feel better!


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