Easy Energy Bath Ritual

When it comes to normal personal hygiene habits, I'm typically a "as short of a shower as I can feasibly manage" person. That said, I do appreciate an occasional bath ritual! This is one of my go-to bath rituals for when I'm feeling low on energy. You don't need any super specific ingredients for it. Feel free to use what you have or what you feel drawn to!

The key to success for me personally is to not do my normal routine while I'm in the ritual bath. Make sure you don't spend precious ritual bath time shaving or shampooing. Just focus on relaxing and recharging!

The best time to do this ritual is during the waxing moon phase, but it is fine to do whenever you feel it is necessary.

You'll Need:

Items to Set the Right Bathroom Energy, For Example: candles, crystals, plants, flowers, music, incense, fairy lights, or anything else you might want to create a calming, special environment!

For the bath itself:

Your favorite bath bomb, bath salts or bubble bath product OR a homemade mixture, such as:

  • 1 Cup Epsom Salts

  • 1/4 Cup Sea Salt

  • A Few Drops of Your Favorite Essential Oil

  • Optional: Flowers and/or herbs (like lavender buds, rose petals, or even a few chamomile or green tea bags!)

  • Also Optional: 1/4 or 1/2 cup of milk or alternative milk product

The Ritual

Set the mood for your bathroom. Light some candles or incense, set plants, flowers or crystals around the bathtub or just in the bathroom, maybe get some mood music going. Then start drawing your bath at your preferred temperature and drop in your bath product or homemade bath mix.

Before getting in, stir the water clockwise and recite aloud or mentally repeat an incantation, such as: "Blessed waters in this bath, restore energy for my magickal path."

Alternatively, you could also repeat an affirmation such as: "I radiate with a high vibration" or "I am filled with positive energy."

When you get into the bath, visualize and/or physically feel the water filling you with a positive energy, like charging a battery. Some might visualize it as a light or as a bolt of energy. Others might focus more on the temperature and feeling of the water rather than visualization.

When you're done, thank the water for the energy. If you need to, strain any flower or herbs out (so they don't get clog up your drain). These spell remnants can be buried in your backyard, sprinkled around your garden, or dried and blown into the wind. Click for more info on handling spell and ritual remains!

Right after your bath, sit down and sip a glass of water and maybe eat a light snack too. This will help you ground yourself after your ritual and keep you hydrated so your body retains all that good, positive water energy!


Lazy Witchcraft for Lazy Days


What To Do With Spell Remains