Divination: An Introduction

Divination is the practice of seeking guidance or peek into a possible future through objects or from outside forms of signs or omens. There are dozens of methods of divination used around the world by witches and non-witches alike!

Can Divination tell me my future?

Divination can give you some insight into a potential future, and guidance on how to achieve the future that you want. Divination can not definitively tell you if you are going to be a millionaire or who and where your soul mate is. Approach divination as an "advisor" rather than an "all-knowing teller of your fate."

How long does it take to learn Divination?

All methods of divination will require practice. Each one is truly an art form, and some methods will take longer to learn than others. You may find that some methods come more naturally to you and others may never work for you at all. When you find yourself drawn to one method, stick to it for a while. Don't be discouraged if you don't get the hang of it off the bat! Believe in yourself, believe in the method and don't give up right away.

Where do the answers come from?

Some believe the messages received through divination come from an otherworldly or divine source, such as deities or guides. Others believe the source of the information comes from within. That we have the power to answer our own questions but we need to tap in a little deeper to find them, which can be achieved through divination methods. Whichever way you believe, divination can be a great way to gain clarity and perspective!

Cleansing & Connection

Some people like to cleanse their space and tools of unwanted energies. You may also choose to cast protective circles so as not to be influenced by them during divination. Others feel this isn't necessary. It will be up to your intuition and personal preference.

Many feel so connected to their divination tools that the need to cleanse and protect is not needed because it only carries their energy. Many will keep their tool(s) of choice, like tarot cards and pendulums, constantly on their person, on their altar or in their sacred space.

When NOT to use Divination

Divination can help you find clarity when you're seeking guidance, but sometimes when you're frantic, stubborn or running at a very low vibration, you might want to step away from divining until you reach a calmer state. Why? Because you might consciously or subconsciously guide your divination to show you either the answer you want or even the answer you're most afraid of because you're focusing too hard on that option.

Divination works best in calm, and sometimes even meditative states, where you are open to receiving any answers or messages. It's okay to feel a little bit of worry or concern and seek guidance. That said, f you're totally panicked, or fully enamored with the idea getting one specific answer, your reading has a higher risk of being inaccurate. Be open and read wisely!

Divination Methods:

Posts covering more divination methods will be added soon! Check back here or follow me on Facebook to keep up with the latest.

Related Links:

Getting Started with Tarot When You Have NO Idea What You’re Doing


Divination: Tarot & Oracle Cards


Lazy Witchcraft for Lazy Days